Simplify your approach to patient personalization and get started today.

african-american patient viewing her laptop email with a cup of coffee, personalized user journey



Ask yourself these 5 questions to get started on personalized patient journeys.


1. Where are you right now?

Taking the first step is always the hardest. We’ll make it easy! Take account of where you are in creating a personalized patient journey. Is it an idea, an unrealized project, or already in the works? Take stock of your resources, team, and timeline. Think about whether you have the bandwidth to take this project on right now. Once you have a clear understanding of where you are, you are ready to take the next step forward.

audience segmentation icon

2. Do you know your audience?

Know who your patients are, beyond where they are on the clinical pathway. Take account of who would benefit most and what programs and platforms they use. Consider common conditions, as well as emotional and physical characteristics. Not sure? Consider using a market segmentation activity, conducting surveys, and/or collaborating across teams. We suggest grouping your audience based on similar needs. This approach ensures focused personalization efforts. Doing the work on the front end saves time and secures more successful outcomes.

3. Do you have a vision for the future?

Once you know where you are, set your sights on where you’re going. Personalization is well-accepted, but do you know your company’s why? What are the desired outcomes? What does success look like? Start mapping out objectives, KPIs, and targets centered around your organization’s why. Having a vision makes personalization work for your patients and organization.


4. How are investments prioritized?

Consider working across departments and pooling budgets for tech investments to support personalization initiatives. Tech investment for this purpose could even be considered a capital expense.

scalability5. Are you frozen by analysis?

Enough planning, JUST START! It is easy to become overwhelmed with information, especially for a project of this scale. Trust that you and your team have moved through these steps responsibly and are ready to jump in. The sooner you begin the path to personalization, the sooner you’ll have success. Just start!

Are you ready to take the leap? Consider working with a strategic consultant to actualize your personalized patient journey plan. Working with a specialized team gives you the confidence to act and guarantees a solid and sustainable program going forward. The path to personalization is new territory, but you do not have to walk it alone.

Ready to get started?

Check out our services to discover how our team of experts can help you realize your personalized patient journey strategy today.

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